7 Early Signs Your Scalp Health Needs a Reboot

A purified scalp can show you the difference a healthy scalp makes.

By Courtney Pester

Updated on August 25th, 2023

I think we can all agree that there are major benefits to doing a quick review and simple reset in any facet of our life–be it our career, relationship dynamics, fitness regimen, or skin and hair routine. Just as taking some time off to relax helps us recharge with new and fresh ideas, doing an overhaul of our scalp systems helps freshen up our scalp—breathing new life and vibrancy into our hair and scalp.

Why Does Your Scalp Need A Reset?

The best way to explain it is through observing not-so-normal conditions and occurrences in, on, or throughout our bodies. When we neglect our bodies or fail to address bodily issues, it manifests in illness or irritation.

For example, when those who are lactose intolerant continue to consume cheese and dairy, they are likely to develop gut issues. These gut issues could manifest in upset stomach, diarrhea, or constipation. Likewise, when we inundate our scalps with products, over-washing, or inconsistent weather patterns, our scalps might react adversely. Scalp issues can show up in the form of flakiness, inflammation, an imbalance in oil production, an itchy scalp, a dry scalp, and beyond.

So what should we look out for when taking note of our scalp health?

7 Signs It’s Time to Give Your Scalp Some TLC

If you are experiencing any of the below scalp issues, it’s time to consider a scalp reboot. 

  1. Scalp Irritation

Among the most common indicators that your scalp is crying for help are signs of inflammation or irritation. Significant pain and distress can be brought on by a sensitive or hypersensitive scalp. Burning, tingling, soreness, itching, and redness are some of the symptoms that might accompany an overly sensitive scalp. Scalp products containing alcohol can aggravate scalp irritation, therefore avoiding them can be the start of your scalp reboot.

2. Build up

Buildup occurs when an oily secretion called sebum accumulates alongside sweat from incorrectly used hair products. The result is a mix of oil and dead skin cells on the scalp. One of the most common reasons for buildup is not washing or rinsing your hair thoroughly enough, leaving a layer of product on your scalp. Applying too many layers of dry shampoo without brushing your hair in between might also result in a solid buildup.

3. Oily Scalp

Is your hair beginning to look and feel greasy, even on the same day you washed it? If your hair is looking sticky, flat, and oily, your sebaceous glands are likely overproducing oil as a response to your diet, nutrient deficiencies, hormones imbalance or simply because you are using the wrong products.

4. Dry Scalp, Flakes, or Dandruff

You may have a dry scalp if the skin on your head is itchy and flaky. When your scalp loses too much moisture, this problem develops. A dry scalp can be caused by hair care products, the weather, age, and various skin disorders.

Both dandruff and dry scalp create scalp flakes and itching. Oily, big flakes indicate dandruff, while dry, tiny flakes indicate dry scalp. If your scalp is dry and flaky, you may have dandruff.

5. Bacterial Dandruff 

Now, bacterial dandruff is a bit different from regular dandruff flakes and thus will require a different solution. Bacterial colonies on hair follicles can affect the way your hair grows. The causes of bacterial dandruff are due to an abnormal level of a fungus called Malassezia, which can trigger an inflammatory response and cause skin conditions such as psoriasis flare-ups to occur. Environmental contaminants can cause bacterial issues, too. In that case, we recommend visiting your doctor or dermatologist.

6. Underneath Scalp Fungus 

Fungal infections are no fun; if you've experienced one, you know how uncomfortable and awkward it feels. Because the scalp has a substantial amount of vitamin-rich sebum production, it can have an unpleasant response to moist, warm environments. As you may have deduced by now, humidity can be bad for the scalp. In many cases, this under-the-scalp fungus is a yeast infection variety called Candida. In that case, we recommend visiting your doctor or dermatologist.

7. Hair Loss

Losing hair? This is a surefire sign that your scalp needs to be rebooted right away! Hair growth and shedding issues might be caused by seasonal shedding, stress, stress, illness and iron deficiency, or simply blocked hair follicles. It's time to revitalize your hair roots and nurture the new growth.

Below are a few additional ways to reset your scalp and give your head a fresh start.

How To Reset Your Scalp Health at Home

The first step to scalp restoration is to detox! Properly clean your scalp and get rid of build up so hair follicles can breathe easier. Assessing what products you are using, and their essential ingredients, is key. 

• Clean the cabinets! Undergoing a product purge will help you identify what products might be to blame for your scalp imbalances. Go through each hair care product you own individually and determine which products contain a laundry list of ingredients such as alcohol, silicone, paraben, sulfate, alchool and low-quality fragrance. Once that’s out of the way, you are already halfway through your scalp reboot!

• Choose a gentle, chemical-free, sulfate-free shampoo. Those with color-treated hair need to be extra careful of ingredients within color-treated shampoo that are likely to leave a deposit. If you can't live without your favored shampoo, remember to rinse abundantly.

• Opt for scalp detox treatments such as scalp oils, which can be great for purifying. MAY11 Scalp Oil is a prominent example of a premium scalp oil treatment made with natural, lightweight ingredients and antifungal properties that can help treat some fungal infections right in their tracks, giving you immediate relief. The key ingredients of this scalp oil are evening primrose oil, which promotes healthy skin and hair and has potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and castor oil, which contains ricinoleate, which kills unwanted bacteria.


  • As a pre-shampoo treatment, apply 4-6 pumps of MAY11 Scalp Oil straight to the scalp on unwashed hair 1-2 hours before shampooing.

  • As a purifying treatment, apply 6-10 pumps to unwashed hair and leave on overnight. Shampoo in the morning.

• Gentle exfoliation is key! The first step in getting rid of what your scalp is expelling is to use a professional scalp brush intended to restore scalp health. Brush and massage your scalp gently on a dry head before and between shampooing to lift any impurities. Your scalp is breathing again, thanks to the removal of clogged pores.

• Dry your scalp carefully with low to medium heat. Remember that keeping your hair damp can increase the spread of fungus and bacteria, so it is important to dry it gently, of course. You can use a hair dryer if your hair allows it; otherwise, rub a natural fiber towel onto your scalp.

• Limit the use of dry shampoo in direct contact with your scalp; ideally, apply the product one inch away from your scalp.

• Incorporate essential vitamins known to support hair growth and scalp revival. These include Vitamin b2, b6, b3 and zinc.

Sulfate-free,,silicone-free, paraben-free, alcohol-free products are imperative for achieving all-around healthy hair. Think of it as skincare for your scalp that removes dead skin cells to support healthy hair follicles. Enough putting it off. Your scalp could use some love, and now you have all the tools to do it. We hope this informative guide helps you determine which scalp treatment is right for you!


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